Independent Living Program

Organization: Sasha Bruce

The Independent Living Program provides residential services for homeless young people ages 18 – 24 years old who are unable to return home. Residents may be self-referred or referred by case workers or family. The ILP program offers apartment-style living for teenagers unable to return home due to absent or severely dysfunctional families or to young people transitioning out of foster care homes. Residents may stay in ILP housing for up to 18 months. Residents must be enrolled in school, work part-time, and save portions of their income. Some also contribute to their rent. When individuals are able to move out on their own, ILP counselors help them find apartments and roommates and provide follow-up support to help them achieve stability.
Service Category: Housing Care
Application: Call or email to access this program.
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Sasha Bruce - Independent Living Program
1312 East Capitol Street Washington DC 20003

(202) 675-9375