Behavioral Health

Organization: Whitman-Walker Health

therapists), psychologists, psychiatric providers (medical doctors and nurse practitioners), and highly trained peers and interns. The assessment and referral process will get you started and will help us determine together which services are right for you.Services Include:
Behavioral Health Assessment & Referral
Gender Affirming Counseling & Assessment
Youth Mental Health (13-24 years old)
Group Psychotherapy
Peer Support Services
Substance Use Services
Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment (evening, abstinence-based, mostly group)
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Heroin and Opioid Misuse (daytime, opioid replacement, harm reduction, group & medication management)
Substance Use Management for Harm Reduction (evening, harm reduction, group)
DUI Program (flexible scheduling, relapse prevention, one-on-one)
Individual Psychotherapy - limited availability, current patients of the Health Center only
Psychiatry - limited availability, current patients of the Health Center only
Service Category: Care
Service Eligibility: LGBTQ
Application: Call for more information or to make an appointment.

Whitman-Walker at LIZ
1377 R St NW, Suite 200 Washington DC 20009


Whitman-Walker at 1525
1525 14th St NW Washington DC 20005


Whitman-Walker at Max Robinson Center
2301 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE Washington DC 20020
