Home Repair Services

Organization: Yachad

Yachad provides free health and safety repairs to low-income homeowners living in Washington, DC and Prince George's County. Health and safety repairs addressed by Yachad include: minor roof repair, plumbing and electrical repairs, pest managment, drywall repair, broken appliance replacement, and accessibility services. We work on a limited number of homes each year. When considering applications, Yachad prioritizes multi-generational households and families with children.
Service Eligibility: Homeowners Housing Status
Application: For more information and to apply for services please contact Yachad's office at 202-296-8563. Applications are completed in a telephone interview and take about 30 minutes to complete. Appointments are made in advance.
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM

8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 705 Silver Spring MD 20910