Skilled Nursing Facility

Organization: United Medical Center

The United Medical Nursing Center (UMNC) is a licensed, full-service, 120-bed nursing facility that provides care for residents on the 6th and 7th floors of UMC. Credentialed physicians and nurses provide comprehensive nursing care and medical services – cardiovascular, pulmonary, general medical and rehabilitative services, as well as wound care management, and other needed care. In addition, social and therapeutic recreational activities are provided on a regular basis, as are other specialized services.
Service Eligibility: Health Conditions
Application: Information and assistance in securing placement are available through the Admissions Department at 202-574-6979.
Monday-Sunday : 24 hours -

United Medical Center
1310 Southern Ave., SE Washington DC 20032

(202) 574-6141, (202) 574-6000, (202) 574-6055