Adams Place Day Center

Organization: DC Department of Human Services (DHS)

The Day Center addresses the long-standing need in the community of having a safe and dignified place for individuals experiencing homelessness to go during the day to take care of everyday needs and access long-term services and supports. The Day Center provides access to:

Housing assessments
Career planning
Case management
Shower and laundry facilities, and
Other on-site services offered by partner agencies.

The Center is located at 2210 Adams Place, NE, adjacent to the Adams Place Shelter and near the NY Avenue Shelter and is open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Service Category: Housing Care Skills & Training
Service Eligibility: Homeless Near Homeless
Application: Drop in

Adams Place Day Center
2210 Adams Place NE Washington DC 20018