Counseling Serivces

Organization: So Others Might Eat (SOME)

SOME supports women and men experiencing homelessness and/or poverty in stabilizing and maintaining their mental health through several programs.

We provide walk-in counseling and psychiatric services to individuals at our Health Services Clinic; Isaiah House, a therapeutic day program that provides a supportive environment for men and women who have been impacted by both homelessness and severe and persistent mental illness; and Jordan and Mary Claire Houses, a community alternative to psychiatric hospitalization.

Counseling Services
SOME’s therapists are there to provide additional support when life’s challenges become overwhelming. Our staff will listen without judgement and provide tools to ease suffering and find healthier ways of coping. Therapists help people cope by learning new behaviors, increasing insight into patterns, and providing a safe place to share feelings. Many individuals find that therapy helps them improve self-esteem, gain more control over emotions, improve communication, gain control over behaviors, and improve their outlook on life.
Service Category: Care
Service Eligibility: Health Conditions
Application: Call 202.797.8806 or email [email protected]

SOME Clinic
60 O St NW Washington DC 20001

(202) 797-8806