Breathe DC

Breathe DC makes every breath count by promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing lung disease throughout the District of Columbia, especially in communities affected by health disparities. We advocate for stronger laws and policies to safeguard healthy air and protect lungs from smoke, air pollution and allergens. Our public health programs empower youth and adults with lung diseases like asthma and COPD to lead fuller, more active lives.

Tobacco Cessation Services

Quitting can help reduce stress and lower blood pressure. If you smoke or use tobacco, we would like for you to participate in these FREE virtual cessation classes using Zoom on your computer, tablet...
  • 1310 Southern Ave SE, Suite G082 Washington DC 20032
Service Category: Addiction & Recovery Health

Asthma Home Visits

Our home visiting program serves families struggling to control children’s moderate to severe asthma. We help children who are frequently treated in hospital emergency departments and who are hospital...
  • 1310 Southern Ave SE, Suite G082 Washington DC 20032
Service Category: Health Education Education
1310 Southern Ave SE, Suite G082, Washington, DC 20032
1310 Southern Ave SE, Suite G082 Washington DC 20032