Maryland 2-1-1 (2-1-1 Maryland)
2-1-1 Maryland connects Marylanders to the health and human services they need to achieve a more stable life for themselves and their families. 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that gives Marylanders access to information about resources and services they need to thrive.
(211) -  (Hotline)
MDReady is a partnership with the Governor's Office, provides a text alert system that provides information about COVID-19 services such as testing and vaccination, and provides emergency alerts from...
898-211 (Text)
Translation Available:
Service Category:
Disaster Response
Safety Education
Service Eligibility:
Anyone in Need
2-1-1 Maryland
2-1-1 Maryland is the state-wide information and referral hotline for health and human services. Services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in 180 languages. Service is free and confiden...
211 (Hotline);
898-211 (Text);
800-492-0618 (Hotline)
Translation Available:
Language line and Spanish speaker on staff.
Service Category:
Help Hotlines
Service Eligibility:
Anyone in Need