Community Crisis Services, Inc (Family Crisis Center, Inc of P.G. County)

Community Crisis Services, Inc. has become a one-stop calling center for information and compassionate assistance for those in crisis. Provides crisis support through our hotline, safe shelter programs and information and referral services. Open 24/7
(301) 864 - 7095   (Voice)

Family Violence Intervention Clinic

FAMVIC offers services that are designed to assess, provide treatment and ultimately end abuse in intimate relationships. We offer intensive individual and group therapy to both victims and abusers, i...

Homeless Services - Shelter Placement

Community Crisis Services, Inc. Coordinates shelter placements to Prince George’s County shelters. Shelters are available to men, women & children. Individuals seeking shelter should call 1-888-73...
Service Eligibility: Age Group Ages 18+ Housing Status Homeless

Homeless Services - Shelter Diversion

Shelter Diversion The Shelter Diversion program serves Prince George’s County residents who are in danger of becoming homeless. The full-time case manager provides callers with one-on-one counseling...
Service Category: Housing Emergency Shelter
Service Eligibility: Housing Status Near Homeless

Safe Passage Emergency Shelter
Community Crisis Services Mailing Adress
P.O. Box 149 Hyattsville MD 20781