Congressional Cemetery

Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery is to serve the community as an active burial ground and conserve the physical artifacts, buildings, and infrastructure of the cemetery; to celebrate the American heritage represented by those interred here; restore and sustain the landscape, protect the Anacostia River watershed, and manage the grounds as accessible community resource.

Burial sites are still available to the general public.

Congressional Cemetery is open to the public everyday from dawn to dusk. Unless special circumstances require it, we do not allow cars to drive in, but welcome visitors to walk around the grounds and explore the history that is here.

Tour groups are welcome. We do ask however that the group organizer or tour guide call our office to alert us to your arrival and to confirm that there are no special events scheduled that may conflict with your visit. Our office number is 202-543-0539.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer with the Congressional Cemetery

Community Service

Court Ordered Community Service
Congressional Cemetary
1801 E St SE Washington DC 20003