Transitional Rehab Program

Organization: La Casa

Provides residential housing and supportive services to 40 homeless men. Services include food, substance abuse counseling, case management, employment and housing placement assistance. Washers and dryers are available on the site. Dormitory style sleeping for 40 men. Projected length of stay is 6 months. La Casa has bilingual staff in English and Spanish.

Transitional housing is affordable supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are homeless or who are close to homelessness. The transition is to help them be more self sufficient to move towards independent living on their own. Transitional housing locations are oftentimes called Halfway Houses. The naming of the two (Halfway House OR Transitional House) is oftentimes interchangeable.

Many Transitional Housing programs are subsidized and are income based. Income based transitional housing generally charges 30% of your income for rent when you do have income. Contact the transitional housing facility to see if this applies.

Services provided at transitional housing facilities varies from substance abuse treatment, to psychological assistance, job training, domestic violence assistance, etc. The assistance provided varies, but it is generally affordable and low cost housing. Read the descriptions of each of the transitional living locations for more detailed information. Transitional housing facilities also may or may not assist with alcohol and/or drug substance abuse treatment.Drug And Alcohol Rehab programs are intended to treat alcohol and/or drug dependency. The cost of participating in one of these programs and the method of treatment range significantly. The database operated on this website only includes residential rehab programs (not outpatient programs). We also provide Access to Recovery (ATR) Grant programs for substance abuse treatment.
Service Category: Housing
Service Eligibility: Homeless Men/Boys
Application: Fees may apply for this Transitional Housing resource. Contact La Casa Transitional Rehab Program with the contact information we provided to get full details. Oftentimes you can apply for sliding scale fee payment or other options if you are low income. You will need to speak with them to see if you qualify.
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM

La Casa Transitional Housing
1131 Spring Road, NW Washington DC 20010

(202) 882-1237