Supportive Independent Housing Program

Organization: MBI Health Services

What is MBI's Supportive Housing Program?

MBI Supportive Independent Housing Program (SIL) is designed to support MBI consumers who already have housing and are having issues with their current housing.

What Should I expect?

Meet with MBI/SIL consumers for home visit
Ensure that the home is in compliance with MBI housing standards
Act as another resource between the consumer with MBI Services
Share information with the CSW’s and Program Administration to ensure that the consumer is receiving the best level of care and services
Assist with training and skill building (ADL) skills with consumer
Advocate on behalf of the consumer (when appropriate) to ensure that their needs are being met.
Re-evaluate and revise the housing plan with the Treatment team on a regular basis to meet the consumer’s new goals and/ changing needs
Service Category: Housing
Service Eligibility: DC Resident
Application: Am I Eligible? All of MBI consumers that are currently living in a residential property in Washington, DC How Do I Enroll? To receive an initial evaluation, contact your CSW The advantage of this program is our consumer will have an additional individual who will work with the treatment team on a permanent housing solution. For additional information and Inquiries please contact: Billie Pinson /SIL Program Liaison 202-639-9762 or [email protected]

4130 Hunt Place, NE Washington DC 20019

(202) 388-4332, (202) 388-4300


Billie Pinson


SIL Program Liaison


Housing Programs


[email protected]