Red Carpet Entry Program

Organization: DC Department of Health (DC Health)

The Red Carpet Entry Program offers HIV care and treatment to everyone, including individuals without health insurance. The DC Department of Health set up a fast track process to get you through the door to your new HIV specialist.

This program provides:

- HIV care and treatment

To make your first appointment using Red Carpet Entry, choose from one of the several Red Carpet Entry medical providers. Call one of the Red Carpet Concierges and say, “I’m calling for Red Carpet Entry” or “I’m calling for a new patient appointment.” You get an appointment with an HIV care provider at one of the Red Carpet medical providers of your choice within one or two business days.

Red Carpet Entry is open to DC residents who are newly diagnosed with HIV and DC residents who used to be in HIV medical care but stopped going for some time and need to restart.
Service Category: Health HIV Treatment
202-308-2016 (Voice)

AIDS Healthcare Foundation Wellness Center
1647 Benning Road Northeast #303 Washington DC 20002


Unity Health Care Center - Brentwood Square Health Center
1201 Brentwood Road Northeast Washington DC 20018
