Organization: Bethesda Cares

Housing First is our mantra, and our mission is to place individuals experiencing chronic homelessness into permanent supportive housing. But our work isn’t over once a client drops off their safety deposit. The transition from homelessness to housed can be stressful and scary; to ensure that these transitions are successful we run a Critical Time Intervention Program. This is an evidence-based program designed to provide newly housed clients with support, resources, and friendship. Our CTI Specialists make visits as often as six times a month to their clients, keeping them engaged with the services available to them, and connecting them to a range of governmental and social supports, including financial benefits, long-term mental and physical health services, and library cards.
Let’s Go!
In 2016 we expanded our CTI program with a new initiative—the Let’s Go! Program. Each month we invite all our formerly homeless clients out for a day trip—something like a baseball game at Nationals Stadium, mini golf, bowling or fishing at a nearby park. Since we began this program, dozens of our clients have gotten out into the community, formed new friendships, and enjoyed some well-deserved interaction with others.
(301) 907-9244 (Voice) English

Bethesda Cares
7728 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda MD 20814

(301) 907-9244, (301) 652-1781