Case Management

Organization: Carpenter's Shelter

Carpenter’s Continuum of Care is designed to meet the challenges our clients’ experiences through a continuum of emergency and long-term case management and support services. Our structured case management program is goal-oriented and encourages individuals to address the root causes of their homelessness. Carpenter’s begins to stabilize individuals and families in crisis on the first day they arrive at the shelter. When an individual or family enters the shelter, they are immediately paired with a case manager to develop an Individual Housing Plan that acts as a blueprint for success. Case Managers then work with each resident on a regular basis to help guide them through their time at the shelter.
Our relationship with our clients does not stop when they leave the shelter. A family is most at risk to return to homelessness during their first year after living in a homeless shelter. Once a client has moved into transitional or permanent housing, Carpenter’s Shelter continues to offer case management for a minimum of one year. Through the continued services, Carpenter’s Shelter reports a 93% success rate for our shelter graduates. Supportive services and monthly workshops are open to former residents as long as they have a need.
Service Category: Housing Housing Advice

Carpenter's Shelter