DC Prevention Center

Organization: Sasha Bruce

The DC Prevention Center for Wards 5 & 6 is a collaborative venture in conjunction with the Department of Health (DOH), Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration (APRA), and Sasha Bruce Youthwork. Our vision is to support a healthy and drug free District of Columbia where all children are safe, drug free and connected and supported by a network of caring families, community organizations, and faith based organizations. As we identify prevalent risk factors within Wards 5 & 6, it will be important to engage in community conversations and trainings that will help to develop and sustain an infrastructure of community leadership.

We also offer and host:
• Structured trainings and workshops that will increase community knowledge, skills, and awareness of substance abuse trends and indicators
• Community Conversations on underage drinking, so-called gateway drugs and risk & protective factors
Service Category: Care
Application: Call, walk in, or email to access this program.
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM

Sasha Bruce House
1022 Maryland Ave NE Washington DC 20002

(202) 546-4900