Transitional Housing

Organization: Covenant House Washington

Rights of Passage I, II, III – CHW’s long-term transitional housing program, this program is geared for youth 19-24 who are actively engaging in activities to get their lives back on track such as post-secondary education, employment, or GED prep in CHW Career Pathways program. During their stay, youth will engage in household management courses such as financial literacy, food wellness, and organization.

When our young people graduate from ROP, they leave with the complete understanding of household management, and what it means to be an active member of the community…

They’ve received the education and training they need to be productive and self-sustaining citizens and have their own plan for permanent housing. They’ve learned how to take care of themselves and are ready to move on – without ever returning to the streets.
Service Category: Housing
Application: Call or walk in for more information.
Monday - Friday : 8:00AM - 6:00PM

Covenant House Washington
2001 Mississippi Ave SE Washington DC 20020

(202) 610-9600, 1 (800) 535-7252

Monday - Friday : 8:00AM - 6:00PM