Free Smoke Alarms (A’sia Sutton Program)

Organization: DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services (FEMS) Department

The A’sia Sutton Smoke Alarm Giveaway and Installation Program is a DC Fire and EMS Department District-wide initiative to ensure that all District of Columbia homes have working smoke alarms. We are convinced that working smoke alarms are the single most important appliance in the home because they have been proven to save lives.

Statistics shows that most fire fatalities occur in homes where either no smoke alarms were present or those that were present, did not operate properly. Statistics show that working smoke alarms in homes can substantially reduce the risk of fire death in residential fires.

The requirements for receiving a smoke alarm are:

You must live in the District of Columbia and show proof of residency.
You must be a homeowner and living in that home (not rental property).
The Department will install Smoke Alarm.
It is the policy of DC Fire and EMS to NOT install a smoke alarm in a multi-family dwelling (apartment or condo). These properties need to have hard-wired smoke alarms. This is the responsibility of the landlord.
Service Category: Safe Housing
Application: Smoke alarms may be requested by submitting a service request online (or by calling (202) 673-3331). Use the plus sign to search for and complete a Smoke Alarm Request form or make any other Fire and EMS service request. The Office of the Fire Marshal/Fire Prevention Division will contact eligible residents within 14 days of initial request to schedule the installation of the smoke detector. For questions or concerns, call (202) 673-3331.