Urgent Care Clinic

Organization: Pathways to Housing DC

Our Urgent Care Clinic (UCC) at the DC Superior Court serves individuals in the criminal justice system who are in need of immediate mental health and/or substance abuse services. Individuals served by UCC can be referred by a judge, pretrial officer, probation officer or an attorney. This partnership between Pathways to Housing DC, the DC Department of Behavioral Health, DC Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration and DC Superior Court allows for immediate access to support services and establishes linkages to long-term providers to ensure effective treatment alternatives, prevent repeat offenders, and ultimately, help our clients recover. UCC is one of the first of its kind in the country to provide immediate substance abuse and short-term mental health treatment services to arrestees (many of whom are homeless).
Service Eligibility: Health Conditions Homeless
Application: Individuals served by UCC can be referred by a judge, pretrial officer, probation officer or an attorney. This partnership between Pathways to Housing DC, the DC Department of Behavioral Health, DC Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration and DC Superior Court allows for immediate access to support services and establishes linkages to long-term providers to ensure effective treatment alternatives, prevent repeat offenders, and ultimately, help our clients recover.
Monday - Friday : 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Pathways to Housing
828 Evarts Street NE Washington DC 20018

(202) 529-2972