Mi Espacio

Organization: CASA de Maryland

Mi Espacio is an after school leadership and enrichment at CASA for Latino high school students in Baltimore City and soon in Langley Park. The program strives to build the next generation of Latino youth leaders by combining academic support with life skills including workforce development, financial literacy and health education, with civic leadership development and social justice training, including public speaking, advocacy, conflict resolution, antiracism training, and community service.

The program integrates practical, hands-on activities, field trips, arts, and sports into every aspect of the program to ensure that the material is relevant and students are engaged. The program is offered each day after school from 3pm to 6pm and community service or field trip activities are held on Saturdays. Parents are also encourage to participate in monthly meetings, which include an informational workshop on topics identified as priorities by staff during home visits, and to access additional services at CASA or partner agencies. The Mi Espacio Program provides a positive environment for youth that meets their social service needs, advances their academic achievement, and facilitates positive development for their entire families and the broader community.
Service Category: Education
Application: Call to join the program.

Multicultural Center (MCC)
8151 15th Ave Langley Park MD 20783

(301) 431-4185, (240) 491-5763

Monday - Thursday : 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM