Family Homelessness Prevention

Organization: Everyone Home DC

Everyone Home DC’s Homelessness Prevention Program offers services for families at risk of becoming homeless through mediation, flexible financial assistance, and connecting them to supportive resources. Families who come to Everyone Home DC for support are often living temporarily with relatives and friends, moving frequently. They find themselves on the verge of homelessness and are seeking assistance to stabilize their housing.

Everyone Home DC’s prevention specialists serve as supporters and champions for clients, assisting families with developing a plan, identifying resources, and setting goals that will allow them to remain stably housed and connected to their natural systems of support, rather than having to enter the shelter system.
Service Category: Housing
Application: Access to Everyone Home DC’s Homelessness Prevention services comes through referrals from the Virginia Williams Family Resource Center, the central intake for DC’s coordinated homelessness assistance system for families. If you know a family encountering a housing crisis that they cannot resolve on their own, they can access homelessness prevention advice and program assistance referrals exclusively through the Virginia Williams Family Resource Center (920 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC 20018 | (202)-526-0017).
Monday-Friday : 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Monday-Friday : 2:00PM - 5:00PM

Everyone Home DC Headquarters
415 2nd Street NE Washington DC 20002

(202) 544-0631

Monday-Friday : 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Monday-Friday : 2:00PM - 5:00PM