Addiction Treatment

Organization: So Others Might Eat (SOME)

SOME offers comprehensive treatment options that empower men and women to break the bonds of addiction, reunite with their families, and rejoin their communities. Services are person-centered: each person will be evaluated during their initial appointment, or intake, to determine the most effective treatment plan.

SOME offers addictions treatment in individual and group settings.

Residential Treatment: Treatment plans may incorporate residential treatment, offered at SOME’s facility in West Virginia. We also offer a safe house for clients prior to going to residential treatment and transitional housing for clients returning from that facility.
Outpatient Treatment: Intensive outpatient services include three treatment groups a day, as well as individual study time, 12 step groups, and peer groups. Clients may meet one-on-one with a counselor. Our outpatient program includes one to two groups a week specifically focused on maintaining and working on recovery following residential treatment.
SOME also offers alumni programs to our clients following their graduation. These services including monthly meetings, access to individual counseling, and peer support services as needed.
Service Category: Care Addiction & Recovery
Application: Location: Main SOME, 60 O Street, NW Services: Intake, Counseling, and Group Sessions Hours: Walk-in hours are from 8:00am to 11:00am, Mondays through Fridays. Drop-in Group Meetings are from 8:45am to 9:45am, Mondays through Fridays Location: SOME’s Conway Center, 4430 Benning Road, NE Services: Inpatient Treatment, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Outpatient Treatment Hours: By appointment only, call 202.797.8806 Eligibility: Clients must be at least 18 years of age and a DC resident. SOME will assist patients with obtaining an ID card if necessary.

SOME Clinic
60 O St NW Washington DC 20001

(202) 797-8806

SOME Conway Center
4430 Benning Road NE Washington DC 20019