Street Outreach - Sasha Bruce

Organization: Sasha Bruce

SBY Street Outreach prevents and intervenes in incidents of community violence, specifically in Wards 5, 6, 7 and 8. This program provides services to young people and their families who are at high risk of becoming victims or perpetrators of violence. Our culturally competent approach includes street-based outreach and safe “drop-in” spaces in areas where violence is most acute, case management services, and special youth development activities.

Our efforts are sustained through true community collaboration and partnership. Strong relationships with District agencies, resident councils at public housing projects and other key stakeholders are crucial and uniformly valued.
Service Category: Housing Care
Application: Street outreach is conducted by the staff. If you want more information on this program, call or email.

Sasha Bruce House
1022 Maryland Ave NE Washington DC 20002

(202) 546-4900