Violence Prevention & Intervention

Organization: Collaborative Solutions for Communities (CSC)

CSC Provides violence intervention services in Wards 1 to 5. Program activities/services include: community outreach, community engagement, violence interception and interruption, case management, Critical Incident Protocols, partner engagement, peacemaking retreats, and school-based educational and enrichment services. Critical Incident Meetings are held within 24 hours of a homicide or serious incident in Wards 1 to 5. Community-based “Cool Down” activities are held to help communities heal from violence and build collective efficacy.
Service Category: Care
Application: Call for more information. These sessions occur when an incident occurs.
Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM

3333 14th St NW Washington DC 20010

(202) 518-6737

Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 5:00PM