Friends of Guest House

Friends of Guest House helps women successfully reenter the community from incarceration. Since our founding in 1974, Guest House has helped more than 5,000 women break the vicious cycle of incarceration, reunite with their families, and reintegrate into their communities.
(703) 549 - 8072   (Voice)

Residential Program

Our most intensive program, the Residential Program serves 30 women for six months as they learn the skills they need to become self-sufficient and offers a safe, supportive environment to post-incarc...
(703) 549-8072 (Voice) English
Service Category: Housing Residential Housing

Outreach Program

Our Outreach Program is a non-residential program serving women transitioning directly from incarceration into the community. The program offers assistance ranging from short-term support to longer-te...
(703) 549-8072 (Voice) English
Friends of Guest House