Georgetown Ministry Center

Provides basic services to people who are homeless and with mental illness including; Showers, Laundry, computer access, medical care and psychiatric care.

Health and Wellness

Our two psychiatrists and general practitioner seek out clients who do not have access to basic medical care and psychiatric treatment and help them address the underlying issues that may cause their...
  • 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007
Service Eligibility: Health Conditions Homeless

Clubhouse Drop-in Center

GMC operates a Clubhouse Drop-In Center every day from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Our center is a safe space for people experiencing homelessness to come, feel welcome, and to simply belong. We call our cent...
  • 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007
Service Category: Care
Service Eligibility: Homeless

Winter Shelter

GMC started the shelter on a pilot basis for six weeks during the winter of 1993. Today, the shelter serves ten homeless people from November through April and provides an opportunity for shelter resi...
  • 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007
Service Category: Housing Care
Service Eligibility: Homeless

Street Outreach - Georgetown Ministry Center

GMC serves chronically homeless, service-resistant individuals in our community. Many of these individuals stay on the streets despite the weather or their needs. GMC staff does street outreach severa...
  • 1041 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007
Service Category: Housing Care
Service Eligibility: Homeless Youth (6-12)
Georgetown Ministry Center
1041 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington DC 20007