Clothing Closet - Safe Shores

Organization: Safe Shores

Safe Shores’ Family Advocacy program is a family’s first point of contact at Safe Shores and works with children and their non-offending caregivers throughout the continuum of services to help families see and achieve a safe, new start.

The Clothing Closet is stocked with brand new clothing, underwear, and toiletries for children who come to Safe Shores. Children who arrive at Safe Shores might need new clothing for any number of reasons: The clothing that they’re wearing needs to be taken for evidence, or it may have been damaged, ripped or torn during the abuse. In some cases, children are not returning home, instead moving into foster care or staying with relatives. Every child who comes to Safe Shores is offered seasonally-appropriate clothing in their correct size, as well as underwear, pajamas, and toiletries, all delivered in a duffel bag or backpack to create “take-care” bags for children.
Service Category: Goods
Application: Safe Shores will conduct a forensic interview after a report of child sexual or physical abuse is made to DC CFSA or the MPD. Family Advocacy Services are available to children and families during this time.

Safe Shores
429 O Street, NW Washington DC 20001

(202) 645-3200

Monday-Friday : 8:30AM - 5:30PM