Forensic Services

Organization: Safe Shores

Safe Shores’ Forensic Services team coordinates and conducts neutral, fact-finding, and developmentally sensitive interviews with children affected by abuse and witnesses to violence. In partnership with the Multidisciplinary Team agencies, our highly trained forensic team conducts one-on-one interviews with children, while team members watch on closed-circuit television, in order to not overwhelm the child while at the same time gathering as much information for various partners. Our goal is to ensure that the voices of children are heard and to prevent the need for a child to tell his or her story more than once.
Service Category: Care
Service Eligibility: Parents Youth (6-12)
Application: Safe Shores will conduct a forensic interview after a report of child sexual or physical abuse is made to DC CFSA or the MPD.
Monday-Friday : 8:30AM - 5:30PM

Safe Shores
429 O Street, NW Washington DC 20001

(202) 645-3200

Monday-Friday : 8:30AM - 5:30PM