
Organization: Joseph's House

Many of our former residents maintain strong connections to Joseph’s House, relationships that we nurture through of a web of support aimed at keeping our friends engaged in medical care and linked to the support services they need to stay well.
Our nurse case managers serve as an important link with primary care and infectious disease teams, often assisting with coordination of care and follow-up. They also receive medications and prepare weekly or monthly pillboxes for former residents, taking opportunities to discuss medication challenges or lapses and encourage adherence.
A special fund dedicated to cold-weather clothing ensures that everyone has a winter coat, boots, hats, and gloves, especially important for those who have to use public transportation to get to their medical appointments. Our on-site food pantry offers a variety of free food, including meats, vegetables, toiletries, and paper goods, and our laundry facilities are another important resource for those still living on the margins. Many former residents also return frequently for community meals, and all are welcome at our joyful holiday celebrations.
The heart of these services is the same spirit of welcome that infuses our residential care. By concentrating a variety of needed services at a place that feels like a second home, we have strengthened our ties and our ability to serve former residents, who are friends, in ways that help them to stay well.
Application: Referrals can be made by physicians, social workers, and case managers at Washington, DC, area hospitals, clinics, and shelter and prison infirmaries, as well as by family members. To make a referral, please call and speak to one of our nurses at 202-265-7174; 202-234-8195 (fax).
(202) 234-8195 (Fax) English

Joseph's House