Homeless Outreach Program

Organization: Golden Triangle

The Golden Triangle BID operates a Homeless Outreach Program through Pathways to Housing DC, which supports a housing first model to end homelessness.

Over the last decade, through its partnership with Pathways to Housing DC, the Golden Triangle BID has invested more than $2 million to support persons experiencing homelessness. More than 200 individuals have been placed in permanent supportive housing because of these efforts.

The program’s Homeless Outreach Team works with individuals experiencing homelessness in the Golden Triangle to connect them to critical social services. The team helps people find housing, seek treatment, and obtain vital government issued documents needed to secure social security, Medicaid, and other services. By building individual relationships and establishing creative community partnerships, the program eliminates barriers to services and serves as a model for effectively breaking the cycle of homelessness. On average, the Golden Triangle’s Homeless Outreach Program ends homelessness for at least one person per month.
Service Eligibility: Housing Status Homeless