Suited for Change Experience

Organization: Suited for Change

Each client has a personalized styling session with one of our Suited for Change stylists, receiving two full outfits, complete with accessories.
After every client’s first suiting appointment we offer a virtual or in-person coaching session from one of our professional development coaches. Each coaching session focuses on bolstering our clients’ confidence in their qualifications and tailoring their strengths for upcoming interviews.
Once a client has been hired, they return to Suited for Change for a second visit and receive three more outfits from our boutique.
After a year with social distancing precautions, we have expanded our services to include a virtual suiting component. Through the third virtual suiting experience, clients get a few blouses, scarves, and jewelry to expand their already growing professional attire. Each collection is then wrapped in red tissue, sealed with a SFC sticker, and topped with a handwritten note of encouragement from their suiting volunteer.
In addition to Suited for Change’s one-on-one styling and coaching sessions, clients can further their job readiness with online workshops from our partners at Edge. These workshops focus on interview skills, office etiquette, customer service, conflict management, communication, financial literacy, and more.
Service Eligibility: Gender Women/Girls
Application: Our clients are exclusively referred to Suited for Change by partner agencies.
(202) 293-0351 (Voice) English

Suited for Change