Case Management

Organization: Us Helping Us

At Us Helping Us, case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination and advocacy to meet your unmet service needs. Our Case Managers have a wealth of educational and field experience and are a committed and trusted partner in getting you the services you need to improve your health and well-being.

Medical Case Management (MCM) is the provision of a range of client-centered services focused on improving clinical and behavioral/mental health outcomes in support of the HIV and PrEP care continua. MCM services are prescribed by an interdisciplinary team of licensed clinicians that offer a variety of specialty care services, including treatment adherence counseling, monitoring of multiple diseases and conditions, and trauma-informed psychotherapy.

Non-Medical Case Management assists and empowers clients in accessing and utilizing clinical, behavioral, social, legal, financial, and other social services such as emergency financial assistance, hygiene vouchers, and food. Other services include assistance with accessing drug assistance programs (e.g., ADAP and PrEP-DAP), HOPWA, and other public assistance programs.

PrEP* Case Management is a collection of robust services that includes comprehensive discussions with clients at greatest risk for getting HIV, navigation to PrEP providers and pharmacy services, and promotion of continual engagement in PrEP care and treatment adherence. Us Helping Us has been educating the community about PrEP since its discovery in 2012 and our Case Managers are willing and ready to get you started on PrEP. *PrEP = Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. A small pill that can be taken every day to prevent someone from getting HIV.