Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind (CLB)

Since 1900, Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind has been dedicated to helping the blind or visually impaired population of the greater Washington region overcome the challenges of vision loss. Our work enables people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired to remain independent, active and productive in society.
(301) 589 - 0894   (Voice)- MD main Line

Employment Services

CLB’s employment services department works with clients to help find and maintain employment. The department provides job-readiness assessments, computer skills assessments and job coaching for job de...

Independent Living

Adult Services CLB’s adult services programs include instruction in independent living skills, which includes the teaching of alternative techniques for banking, shopping, cooking, computer skills, B...

Health Services

Low Vision Services CLB provides vision screenings as well as comprehensive eye examinations and low vision exams. All examinations are performed by a certified optometrist at either CLB’s Silver Spr...

General Well-Being Improvement Services

Youth and Family Services CLB’s youth and family programs start at birth to help build the skills and self-confidence necessary for future independence. Programs include: annual events, holiday activ...
Service Eligibility: Disability Visual Impairment
Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
8758 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring MD 20910
Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
1825 K Street NW Washington DC 20006