Independent Living

Organization: Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind

Adult Services
CLB’s adult services programs include instruction in independent living skills, which includes the teaching of alternative techniques for banking, shopping, cooking, computer skills, Braille, labeling, and identifying personal items. Also provided are classes in orientation and mobility training which includes instruction in using a white cane to remain safe and learning to navigate public transportation independently. Other services offered include ongoing support groups and case management to assist with adjustment to vision loss concerns. Additionally the Foundations of Adjustment to Blindness (FAB) classes are offered monthly to adults who have lost their vision. FAB includes support groups, orientation and mobility training, and instruction in independent living skills.
DeafBlind Program
CLB’s DeafBlind program provides culturally-informed services to members of the Signing DeafBlind community in Pro-Tactile American Sign Language” alongside what we currently have, to include consumers from both philosophies. Services include: Support Service Providers (SSPs), assistive technology, Braille instruction, orientation and mobility training, and independent living skills.